
суббота, 29 ноября 2014 г.

Music in our life: Here comes the snow;)

Today is a very lovely day, my dear friends! Winter has presented us with snow!:)

Snow makes whiteness where it falls.
The bushes look like popcorn-balls.
The places where I always play
Look like somewhere else today.
by Marie Louise Allen

And snow brings a good mood, reminding us about future holidays. So let's sing a lovely song!;)


четверг, 27 ноября 2014 г.

Holidays: Thanksgiving Day/Свята: День Подяки.

Thanksgiving day - Фото 7751/9
On November 27 people in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving Day. This is one of the most popular festivals in the country. Thanksgiving Day was first celebrated in 1621 by English colonists who lived in Plymouth Colony. Previous winter was very severe and promised hunger for the new colonists. Then Governor William Bradford decided to raise the spirits of his people and organized the first Thanksgiving Day. This holiday gethered together the British colonists and their neighbours, the Indians, with the help of who the Plymouth Colony survived the first winter of starvation. The Puritans brought to this festival a deep religious meaning - they saw it as a way to thank God for mercy.
Thanksgiving Day became a national holiday after the relevant decree of the first President George Washington in 1789. 
Thanksgiving Day is associated with a number of traditions that Americans honor. 
All family members  go to church and after the service get together at  the holiday dinner.
Vector illustration picturing a family at the table on Thanksgiving Day #1652
The second most important attribute of Thanksgiving  Day is a turkey. At the first festival the colonists and the Indians roasted and ate together four turkeys, shot down in a nearby forest. Since then, the turkey and Thanksgiving Day became synonymous.
One More Day for Thanksgiving - The Feminist Grandma
The third attribute of the holiday are parades and fun.
Trace Adkins Country Music Tattle Tale
I want to conratulate all my American friends on Thanksgiving Day and wish all of you blessings of health, happiness and success on this day and always!
RM - Social Network - Album Photo View

English Olympiad 2014: results/Олімпіада з англійської мови 2014: результати.

Частные уроки, курсы в Донецке. Бухгалтерские, компьютерные курсы, курсы иностранных языков. Бесплатные объявления Донецка. Объя
On November 23 2014 the II tour of the English Olympiad took place in Vovchansk town of Kharkiv region.

My 11-th former Elmira Farkhadova ( the winner of the I tour) took the third place in this competition. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Well done, Elya!;) Wish you good luck in learning English.

пятница, 21 ноября 2014 г.

Preparation for the English Olympiad/Підготовка до олімпіади з англійської мови.

The II tour of the English Olympiad will take place on November 23, 2014.
If you want to feel confident at this contest you should be well - prepared. 
So visit this site http://olimp.ippo.kubg.edu.ua/?cat=4 and practise your English.(Great thanks to Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University Institute of Postgraduating Teaching Education for the information on olympiads)
Good luck!;)

My pupils' projects:"An interesting sandwich"(form 7)/Проекти моїх учнів:"Цікавий бутерброд"(7 клас).

Do you like cooking? My pupils really like doing it.
My 7-th formers created amazing sandwiches while learning the topic "Householding". Their tasty works proved the name of the project "An interesting sandwich". Pupils shared the recipes and tasted their cooking masterpieces:

On this photo you can see (from left to right)

  • Tourist Sandwich (Max Reshetniov)
  • Little Car (Artem Bondar) - our winner!
  • Mouse in Mayonnaise (Tolik Petrachenkov)
  • Army Sandwich (Alex Markov)
All the sandwiches are amazing! Well done, boys!;)

вторник, 18 ноября 2014 г.

воскресенье, 16 ноября 2014 г.

Happy Internatinal Student's Day!

On November 17 is International Student's Day!
And that's why my today's post is devoted to students and their life.
So here it is:)
And here is the student's life before and after exams;)

And what kind of student are YOU?
And if to be serious, I wish all students good luck and only good marks;)
PS ;)

среда, 12 ноября 2014 г.

вторник, 11 ноября 2014 г.

My pupils' projects: "My family tree" ( form 1)/Проекти моїх учнів:"Моє родинне дерево"( 1 клас)

Today we've got another interesting lesson: my first formers have made their lovely family trees. It's so interesting to create your own family tree!
The process of doing this project is quite easy.
1. Make a background for your tree.
2.Make a tree ( any you like):
родинне дерево
3. Write down your relatives' names and draw their portraits or take their photos (if you like).
And here it is!:) 
 родинне дерево

воскресенье, 9 ноября 2014 г.

Ukrainian Language Day/День Української Писемності та Мови

On November 9 Ukrainians celebrate Ukrainian Language Day.
UA:Мова — державна перлина, 
     Нею завжди дорожіть: 
     Без мови немає країни — 
    Мову, як матір, любіть. (Ф. Пантов)
EN:Language is a state pearl, 
    Always value it: 
   Without language there is no country - 
   Love your language as you love your mother. (F. Pantov)
Our great Kobzar Taras Shevchenko said "Learn foreign things and don't deny your own things"/"І чужому научайтесь, й свого не цурайтесь..."
Congratulations, my native language!!!

вторник, 4 ноября 2014 г.

English for young learners: Future Simple/Англійська для наймолодших:Майбутній час

En:The easiest way for young learners to remember the  Future Simple is singing a funny song "A Hunting We Will Go". This lovely song will also help to teach kids the names of animals and words that rhyme with them.
Let's sing together;)

Ua:Найлегший спосіб для молодших школярів запам'ятати Майбутній час - це заспівати пісню "На полювання ми підемо"("A Hunting We Will Go"). Ця чудова пісня також допоможе навчити дітей назвам тварин та словам, що римуються з ними.
Давайте заспіваємо разом;)

Our school life:Halloween exhibition/Наше шкільне життя: Виставка на Хеллоуін.

Today is the second day of our study after the autumn holidays. On these holidays we celebrated a lovely holiday - Halloween. So my second formers decided to prepare a Halloween exhibition:) Children drew funny monsters and made very scary masks.