
четверг, 31 августа 2017 г.

Goodbye to summer

Картинки по запросу лето море закат
This is it - the last day of summer. 
Do you remember what kind of summer it was? Can you still feel its warmth? What does summer mean for you?
As for me, summer is the coolest time of the year! And it's not only because of the long holidays (Ukrainian teachers have got 56 days of rest every summer). Of course, during your summer holidays you can refresh your strength, wake up and go to bed whenever you want, travel wherever you want and spend your free time with your nearest and dearest. 
Картинки по запросу лето коллаж
For me summer is also a period of new starts. For example, last summer I learnt to weave paper baskets 
Every summer I make a list of  books by English and American authors which I want to read. I learn something new from these books and  enrich my vocabulary.
As you can see, summer is the time when you can easily connect rest with all the useful things. And what is your summer?
And while you think over your answer, let's say goodbye summer with Joanie Sommers:


Do you hear the swallow How sadly it sings Goodbye to summer And the beauty it brings Now my true love's kisses Belong to the past Goodbye to summer It was too good to last Warm and tender Were his lips in July Those same lips in September Whispered goodbye Gonna take a ribbon And tie it with tears Around all his pictures And sweet souvenirs Guess I'm someone Who's born just to lose Goodbye summer Hello blues Guess I'm someone Who's born just to lose Goodbye summer Hello blues

Translation into Ukrainian
Чи чуєш ти ластівку?
Як сумно вона співає.
Прощаючись з літом
І тією красою, що воно приносить.

Тепер поцілунки мого справжнього кохання
Належать минулому
Прощавай. літо,
Воно було надто гарним,щоб затриматися.

Теплими та ніжними
Були його вуста у липні
І ці ж самі вуста у вересні
Прошепотіли "Прощавай"

Ось візьму стрічку
Та й зав'яжу її зі сльозами
Навколо усіх його фото
Та солодких подарунків

Здається, я саме та, 
Що народилася, аби втрачати.
Прощавай, літо!
Привіт, журба. 

PS: It's always sad to say goodbye, especially to warm and sunny days. But don't forget how wonderful will be your next summer!;)

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